Работа Front-end / JS / TS Баку. ⚡ Найдено 28 вакансий в Баку

  • Python developer (+JavaScript)

    Nitka Technologies, Inc. Азербайджан, Баку 3 дня назад
    Nitka Technologies занимается разработкой ПО для заказчиков из США и Европы и объединяет около 300 профессионалов из Восточной Европы, Северной и Южной Америки, Армении, Грузии и Казахстана. Сейчас в поисках разработчика на Python со знанием frontend-технологий. Мы предлагаем 100% удаленную работуО...
  • Full Stack Developer (Node.js, TypeScript, SQL)

    Nitka Technologies, Inc. Азербайджан, Баку 3 дня назад
    Nitka Technologies develops software for customers in the US and Europe and brings together about 300 professionals from Eastern Europe, North and South America, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. We are looking for an experienced Full Stack Developer to join our team for a long-term project. The cust...
  • Fullstack разработчик в частную компанию

    от 120000 до 250000 RUR
    СТК МЕРИТТО Азербайджан, Баку 3 дня назад
    Меритто – частная компания, занимающаяся разработкой игр и приложений на различных платформах, включая блокчейн. Мы расширяем постоянный штат и ищем программиста, который будет работать с текущими и новыми проектами компании (не более 2 одновременно). Обязанности Разработка проектов: Работа над тек...
  • IOS-разработчик

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 3 дня назад
    The IT company Andersen invites an experienced iOS Developer to work on a project for one of our customers in Georgia. The customer is the first fully digital neobank in Georgia, existing solely on mobile phones. Since 2015, the company has been providing convenient and secure financial services,...
  • Bank Respublika ASC

    Bank Respublika Баку 3 дня назад
    Təsvir · React.js, digər kitabxana və texnologiyalardan istifadə etməklə yaxşı dizayn edilmiş və yüksək keyfiyyətli front sistemlər qurmaq; ·Front-end arxitekturanı davamlı təkmilləşdirmək; ·Komponentlərin maksimum performans üçün optimallaşdırılması; ·Cihaz və brauzerlər arasında performansı təmin
  • Тьютор-Fullstack-разработчик

    от 600 до 2000 AZN
    ABBASOV BAHADIR XƏQANİ OĞLU Азербайджан, Баку 3 дня назад
    Обязанности:— Обязанности учителя школы IT и программирования StarCode— Подготовка к занятиям:— Ознакомление с методическими материалами школы и планом урока.— Адаптация готовой методики под особенности группы (уровень подготовки, возраст).— Проведение уроков:— Проведение занятий в соответствии с го...
  • Sistem analitiki ( İT biznes analitik)

    Bank Respublika Баку 3 дня назад
    Təsvir Proqram təminatının hazırlanması üzrə texniki tapşırıqların tərtibi; Proqram təminatının funksional testi (front-end və back-end), veb-servislərin keyfiyyətinin izlənilməsi; Proqram təminatının daxili biznes məntiqinin inkişaf etdirilməsi və keyfiyyətinə nəzarət; Xarici və daxili işçi qruplar...
  • Rust Developer

    Nitka Technologies, Inc. Азербайджан, Баку 4 дня назад
    Nitka Technologies developes software for customers in the US and Europe and brings together about 300 professionals from Eastern Europe, North and South America, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. We are looking for an experienced Rust (CosmWasm) Blockchain Developer to work at DeFi blockchain projec...
  • QA Manual Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 4 дня назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for QA Manual traineeship with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and improvement of their skill...
  • Junior QA Automation Engineer (Java)

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 8 дней назад
    The international IT сompany Andersen invites a Junior QA Automation Engineer (Java) to work on large-scale projects. Andersen is a pre-IPO software development company that provides a full cycle of services, following project management standards and best practices. For over 17 years, we have beenR...
  • NET Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 8 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for .NET traineeship with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and improvement of their skills, is...
  • QA Automation Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 8 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for QA Automation traineeship with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and improvement of their s...
  • QA Automation Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 9 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for QA Automation traineeship with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and improvement of their s...
  • NET Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 9 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for .NET traineeship with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and improvement of their skills, is...
  • Full Stack Developer

    Nitka Technologies, Inc. Азербайджан, Баку 8 дней назад
    Nitka Technologies develops software for customers in the US and Europe and brings together about 300 professionals from Eastern Europe, North and South America, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. We are looking for an experienced Full stack Developer to join our team for a long-term project. The cust...
  • Design Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 10 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for traineeships: Ui/Ux Design Graphic Design with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and impr...
  • JavaScript Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 13 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for JavaScript traineeship with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and improvement of their skil...
  • Mobile Developer

    Nitka Technologies, Inc. Азербайджан, Баку 13 дней назад
    Nitka Technologies, Inc. занимается разработкой ПО для заказчиков из США и Европы и объединяет около 300 профессионалов из Восточной Европы, Северной и Южной Америки, Армении, Грузии и Казахстана. Сейчас в поиске опытного Mobile Developer на долгосрочный проект. Заказчик - американская компания, кот...
  • Design Trainee

    Andersen Азербайджан, Баку 14 дней назад
    International company Andersen, one of the leaders in the outsource production market, is recruiting for traineeships: Ui/Ux Design Graphic Design with further employment in Azerbaijan (in the office: Baku). Andersen Company is interested in the rapid professional development of employees and impr...
  • ML Team Lead

    до 7000 USD
    ТРТ Азербайджан, Баку 16 дней назад
    A software development company is looking for a talented, long-term ML Team Lead.  The company is a team of experts providing analytical services to healthcare clients. You will join an international team of first class professionals who are passionate to create products that improve quality of medi...